We must thank Aunt Barbie for this Dress. She sent it this summer for Alex's birthday, and Sam adopted it and now wears it almost everyday. Sam goes through phases where she finds here favorite outfit and will wear it for months at a time and it's all we can do to get it at night and wash it in between bedtime and morning. She absolutely loved this dress because it is pink and purple, her favorite colors.
Alex has a fascination with bathing suites. For those of you that see her frequently you have already noticed this. It doesn't matter the weather, she will get up in the morning and put on a bathing suit (normally we go through 2-3 a day). I tried to get her to wear real clothes, but decided that was a never ending battle that I choose not to fight. We finally came to terms that when we go out in public (shopping etc.) she will let me slip a dress over it so we don't get to many stares.
When I came home from work today, mind you the weather is around 60 degrees, a little chilly for Houston, this is how I found Alex. She had her sweater on and wanted her boots on so that we could go out. It didn't take her long to realize that she might need something else to keep her warm, so she added a white skirt to her ensemble.
Alex definitely has a mind of her own, and we love it. (most of the time) She loves to have photos taken of her and loves to pose for them. What a cutie.
rory's done the bathing suit thing too, but not as often and not as long throughout the day.
What cute girls. your baby boy is going to have some fun/wacky outlooks on the world with those big sisters!
Your girls are all so cute no matter what they are wearing.
Nice pose. That's hilarious. SO when are you coming to visit. Did you know the Hatch family from Idaho? Heidi? I guess they live in Franklin?
Okay, I have to admit there was a time (long ago!) that Heather and I went through a leotard phase. Yes, we would dance around the house proudly sporting our black leotards!
Very cute pics!
Yeah, I have a couple of fashion divas over here too! They are very determined on what to wear!
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