Sunday, March 29, 2009

Morgan's new additions

Last year Morgan got a letter home from school saying that she needed her eyes check so we did and she definitely needed glasses. She had them for a whole 2 weeks and lost them while 4-wheeling. After hours of searching we realized it was a lost cause. I thought we would just wait until insurance kicked in again, but she really needed them for school. We finally got them again, so she can see now!!! She looks so cute and they have outlasted the last pair. Hopefully we can go at least another year before we have to get a new pair.

We were getting a cantaloupe ready to eat the other day and Morgan saw the seeds and thought she could grow something with them. I didn't' think much of it until a few days later she brought the camera in with this photo and was very proud of herself. I didn't even realize that she actually planted them with great expectations of them growing. What faith children have. She has been faithfully watering it, along with Alex. Now if we can only get Alex to leave it alone and not drown it with water and love, it might actually survive. That is rare for a plant at our house.

1 comment:

Blarney Girl said...

Morgan looks so cute in her glasses!

I think I single handedly put my family in the poor house with all the glasses I lost and broke as a child! :)