All the girls wanted to do was build a snow man. Thanks to Aunt Courtney who helped them, here is their snow man. They were able to make him the night before we left Idaho. Thanks to Uncle Matt and Aunt Courtney for the snow man kit which helped them make a great looking snowman. Now the song "Once there was a snow man" has a lot more meaning for the girls. They are now waiting for a picture of their snow man shrinking to go along with the song "in the sun he melted, small, small, small."

Morgan wanted a photo of her and their snowman so she took this one by herself of the two of them. I thought it was quite cute and a great photo.

Morgan, Alex, Sam and cousin Jessica with their snowman.

Stefan's mom and dad's new house surrounded by snow.

This was one of my favorite photos of the snow that Chris took. This was from my mom and dad's back porch. Wouldn't it be great to have this view out your back window. It sure it pretty all covered in snow.

Chris and Sam on the 4 wheeler. Once of the girls favorite thing to do is either ride the 4 wheeler or have grandpa or grandma pull them behind in the sleigh. Grandpa has sure got soft in his old days. Now he actually puts a pad the sleigh so it is softer and warmer. It's amazing what they will do for the
grandkids that they didn't do for their own kids.

All the kids in the nice padded sleigh, from front to back, Sam, Alex, Cousin
Colton, Cousin Jessica, and Morgan. Notice the nice thick padding under. Grandma was nice and took them slow. Grandpa went a little faster which was probably funner until they got dumped. Oh well. They enjoyed every minute in the snow.
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